Friday, April 29, 2016


Tricia's 18th b-day
Topak or TPK, that’s the name of the group of my high school friends. I remember the first time they invited me to join them, that was back in 2nd year high school after I had a misunderstanding with one of my other friends. They asked me if I want to eat with them and that was the start of our friendship.

this photo was taken back in 2012
mga neneng pa kami dito
At first, I found them intimidating because they're like geniuses or something but I was wrong. They are actually the most genuine persons I met in high school. 

our prom back in 2013
TPK taught me a lot. They taught me to love life, to enjoy, to do silly things and to believe in myself. They are always the first ones who congratulate me whenever I achieve something and they never fail to give strength when my world is crashing down.

I think this was TPK anniversary back in 2014? =D and as you can see we have 2 additional members. 
When we graduated, we achieved a "squad goal" but we didn't know it yet. I just realized it while I'm writing this post. =D We were included in batch 2013 - 2014 cream of the crop. 

After graduation, we attended different universities. But you know what? Nothing changed. Even though TPK only meet 2 to 3 times a year, our friendship never changed. 

poker face daw

Our recent picture (2016)

TPK had and will always have a special place in my heart.

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