Saturday, April 30, 2016

COLLEGE : 15 things that happen in the life of a Pharmacy Student

1.       We have quizzes everyday. Sometimes, in almost all of our subjects.

\    2.       Sleep deprivation. An average pharmacy student sleeps for only 5 hours.

3.       Eyebags is a normal thing due to sleep deprivation. If you don’t have eyebags, you’re the man.

4.       Our favorite drink is coffee. The caffeine runs in our veins.

5.       We do stress eating a lot especially after an out of this world quiz.

6.       We study 7 days a week. It’s like working overtime.

7.       We study while we travel.

8.       If we are not studying while traveling, we are sleeping.

9.       We do our homework at school.

10.   We study for the quiz before the actual quiz.

11.   We can sleep with our eyes open.  I do!

12.   We can do a 5 minute power nap. We’re experts you know?

13.   We do not have long breaks.

14.   We use our earphones a lot

15.   We pray like a thousand times cause we’re so religious. We also believe in miracles.


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