Saturday, April 30, 2016

COLLEGE : 15 things that happen in the life of a Pharmacy Student

5:59:00 PM

1.       We have quizzes everyday. Sometimes, in almost all of our subjects.

\    2.       Sleep deprivation. An average pharmacy student sleeps for only 5 hours.

3.       Eyebags is a normal thing due to sleep deprivation. If you don’t have eyebags, you’re the man.

4.       Our favorite drink is coffee. The caffeine runs in our veins.

5.       We do stress eating a lot especially after an out of this world quiz.

6.       We study 7 days a week. It’s like working overtime.

7.       We study while we travel.

8.       If we are not studying while traveling, we are sleeping.

9.       We do our homework at school.

10.   We study for the quiz before the actual quiz.

11.   We can sleep with our eyes open.  I do!

12.   We can do a 5 minute power nap. We’re experts you know?

13.   We do not have long breaks.

14.   We use our earphones a lot

15.   We pray like a thousand times cause we’re so religious. We also believe in miracles.


Friday, April 29, 2016


10:03:00 PM
Tricia's 18th b-day
Topak or TPK, that’s the name of the group of my high school friends. I remember the first time they invited me to join them, that was back in 2nd year high school after I had a misunderstanding with one of my other friends. They asked me if I want to eat with them and that was the start of our friendship.

this photo was taken back in 2012
mga neneng pa kami dito
At first, I found them intimidating because they're like geniuses or something but I was wrong. They are actually the most genuine persons I met in high school. 

our prom back in 2013
TPK taught me a lot. They taught me to love life, to enjoy, to do silly things and to believe in myself. They are always the first ones who congratulate me whenever I achieve something and they never fail to give strength when my world is crashing down.

I think this was TPK anniversary back in 2014? =D and as you can see we have 2 additional members. 
When we graduated, we achieved a "squad goal" but we didn't know it yet. I just realized it while I'm writing this post. =D We were included in batch 2013 - 2014 cream of the crop. 

After graduation, we attended different universities. But you know what? Nothing changed. Even though TPK only meet 2 to 3 times a year, our friendship never changed. 

poker face daw

Our recent picture (2016)

TPK had and will always have a special place in my heart.

FOOD : Seoul Garden

7:06:00 AM
ANNYEONGHASEYO! Last December 18, 2015, we decided to eat in Seoul Garden,  Annex, Sm North EDSA to relieve our exam stress and to celebrate four birthdays. They serve different Korean foods, some Filipino foods and desserts. I can say that Seoul Garden is an affordable place to eat for students like me.

Here are some of the pictures that I took :

Sorry but I didn’t take photos of their buffet section because I'm too busy eating J

They offer 6 different ice cream flavors with toppings. I chose Ube, Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate ice cream topped with pinipig and sprinkles. Yummy!

My friends and I are now saving to eat in Vikings.  J

Thursday, April 28, 2016

TRAVEL : 5 Places to Visit in Mt. Province, Philippines

6:28:00 PM
It’s summer in the Philippines and it’s freaking hot!  So if you want to get away from the summer heat, here are the 5 places to visit in Mt. Province.

Banaue Rice Terraces
1.       Philippine Highway System Highest Point in Cattubo, Atok, Benguet

Elevation : 7,400 feet above sea level

2.       Lumiang Burial Cave, Sagada

Click here to see my post about Lumiang Burial cave : TRAVEL : I survived the caves of Sagada

3.       Sumaguing Cave, Sagada

Credits to the owner
Click here to see my post about Sumaguing Cave cave : TRAVEL : I survived the caves of Sagada

4.       Banaue Rice Terraces

5.       Souvenir shop!

TRAVEL : I survived the caves of Sagada

8:02:00 AM
Whenever our family plans a vacation, Sagada is always the last choice. Why? Cause it is a very long and tiring road trip that can take for up to 8 or more hours depending on the speed of your car. But this year, my ninang planned to go to Sagada and she invited me and my brother to come with them.

Lumiang Burial Cave
We left our house at 3am and we arrived in Sagada at about 11.30 am. That’s 8  ½ hours!
We stayed in “Sagada Homestay.” It was a nice place and convenient to those who want to explore Sagada because it is just walking distance from different Sagada tourists’ spots.

After eating our lunch, we decided to resume our Sagada Adventure XD. First stop is Lumiang Burial Cave. By the way, we were accompanied by three tourguides because you cannot go alone in these caves. Also, we wore comfy clothes (shorts) and slippers.

if you will look closely, you could actually see a bone
Next stop is Sumaguing Cave and this where the torture begins.

While in Sagada.. Take nothing but pictures... Leave nothing but footprints... Kill nothing but time
Before entering the cave, the tourguide told us to bring only one camera. We also passed by a tourist and he told us “I’m done. It was a nice torture.” (oh adventure here we comeeeeeeeee!)

There was no source of light inside the cave aside from an oil lamp (I’m not sure if it’s an oil lamp) of the tourguides. So basically, our life depends on the tourguides. Yep.

The tourguides told us that there were three stages. In my own words, I will call it as the “bat lair” (1st stage), “slippery rocks”  (2nd stage) and “water madness” (3rd stage).

I called the first stage “bat lair” because it was the part of the cave full of bats and BAT POOP! And yes, we were covered with bat poop.

Next is “slippery rocks” because everything that you’re going to set foot is slippery. In this part of the cave, you have to be extra careful. I MEAN IT. But don’t worry, the tourguides will assist you but still you have to be careful.

The last part was “water madness.” I called it water madness because there’s water LOL! You also have to be extra careful in here because even though you will not drown, you might get stuck in between big rock formations.

Here are some of the pictures inside Sumaguing Cave:

To summarize things up, here’s what to expect inside Sumaguing Cave
   1. To be covered with bat poop
   2.   To see beautiful rock formations
   3.  To be drenched in cold water
   4.  To climb big rock formations using rope
   5.  To be worn-out

                                    SAGADA. BEEN THERE. DONE THAT. SURVIVED.